How to Calculate Bricks in a Wall

Use your tape measure to measure the length and width of the wall that you want to cover with brick. Convert these two measurements to inches.

  • Take the measurement of the length of your wall and add 9 inches (for a 4.5-inch overhang on both sides of the wall). Divide this measurement by 8.5 (the length of a standard brick plus a 1/2-inch mortar joint). This will be the number of bricks to cover the length.
  • Take the measurement of the height of your wall and divide it by 2.75 (the height of a standard brick plus a 1/2-inch mortar joint). This will give you the number of courses, or layers, required to top the wall.

  • Multiply the number of bricks in the length measurement by the number of courses and you have the number of bricks required to build your wall.

How to Calculate Bricks in a Wall How to Calculate Bricks in a Wall Reviewed by Muhammad Najam Abbas on 11:36 PM Rating: 5


  1. For which size of brick this method is applicable ???

  2. It should be better if u can show it with images


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